Prickly Heat, Mapusa, Goa
Its that time of year again when you skin starts to tingle as the heat and humidity rises causing the condition "Prickly Heat", its very unpleasant and due to the living conditions many of the children suffer terribly.
The covid situation is making things more intense as the children are afvised to stay home in the tiny rooms. Each year we provide cooling powder which gives welcome relief. Each one of our children is provided with a choice of three 'scents' Original Menthol, Lavender and Aloe.
These are being given out now along with their standard monthly supplies (Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Monthly Pads (for the older girls) etc.
Wish Him Well, Mapusa, Goa
One of our older kids has just had an 8 hour surgery to remove a diseased area (Cholesteatoma) behind his ear that had started to effect his bones.
The doctor said the operation was a huge shock to his system and he is likely to be discharged after 1 week if all goes well.
He currently has a large opening so they can clean and monitor the operation site.
Please wish him all the best.
Purple Martini - Pizza Party, Mapusa, Goa
Steaming hot tangy vegetarian pizza from the fabulous Purple Martini was the first treat given to the kids, followed by an Indian sweet and also vegetarian burgers (best veg burgers I've tasted!).
The children willed their bellies with pizza, then the burgers came and then at the very end chocolate (which surprisingly their stomachs weren't so full anymore Thank you to everyone from Purple Martini and the kids of course and Shabnam and Acchelal who helped look after the children.